
Alvin And The Chipmunks 2 Movie Download Free

I've tried a handful of movie-listing apps, and generally they range from the comically bad to the merely competent. This app by Flixster, simply titled Movies, puts all the other apps to shame. Attractively designed, Movies has a smart interface that allows the user to discover what flicks are playing, and it includes plenty of other neat features, too.

The browsable categories include Box Office, Theaters, Upcoming, DVD, and My Movies. The straightforward Box Office listings allow you to browse by movie title. You see each movie's score on the popular review Website Rotten Tomatoes, the main actors, the rating, the length of the film, and also how much money the film has grossed so far. If you click on any particular title, you get even more information, such as showtimes, a video link to the trailer, photos, a synopsis, an expanded list of the cast, critic and user reviews (you can add your own review as well), and links to other movie Websites.

On the Theater tab you can search for theaters in your area either by name or by distance from your zip code within a 30-mile range. It can load the theaters onto Google Maps, as well.

The Upcoming tab allows you to keep track of movies coming out soon. Both this tab and the one for new DVD releases are as easy to browse as the Box Office listings tab is, and they include similar information.

My Movies allows you to personalize the app, with lists of your favorite movies, reviews, pictures, and the like. It can also connect to and work with Websites such as Facebook, Flixster, and Netflix.

The app is not without its flaws. Occasionally the load time for screens is a touch on the slow side. Also, the app is known to have issues with some phones, such as the HTC Hero. Still, overall this is a tremendous app that does a lot of things right.

Alvin And The Chipmunks 2 Movie Download Free

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